In UX writing, what is information architecture?

Job M
4 min readAug 4, 2022


Photo by NASA on Unsplash

Information Architecture (IA) is a practice that helps to organize and structure content in a way that is convenient for users. It’s not just about designing the layout of your website but also how you present information on the site. IA design can be applied to digital media such as apps, software, and games.

IA Writing: IA writing is the process of creating content for a design. It includes page titles, headings, subheadings, captions, and other metadata related to webpages or other forms of digital media.

IA history

The term IA, or information architecture, was first coined in 1996 by Dr. Peter Morville and Louis Rosenfeld in their book “ Information Architecture for the World Wide Web.” IA is a discipline that designs digital products to make them intuitive and easy to use.

What are the Benefits of IA in UX Writing and Design?

Information architecture is the design of information to make it findable, usable, and understandable. IA is a way to organize content so that people can find what they’re looking for quickly and intuitively. IA can be used across many different industries, including but not limited to:

  • Information Management
  • User Experience Design
  • Web Analytics

Search Engine Optimization IA benefits include the following:

  • People will be able to find information quickly, efficiently, and effectively.
  • The content will be organized in an order that is easy to follow.
  • The content will be presentable in a pleasant way.

How does IA help you to design digital product flow?

IA (Information Architecture) is a way of organizing and presenting content on a website or application. IA is about arranging the information to make it easy for users to find what they want.

The IA design process includes:

  • Defining the user’s tasks, goals, and needs
  • Analyzing the content, structure, and metadata of the site
  • Creating an overview of all pages and links
  • Creating page hierarchies, wireframes, and sitemaps
  • Defining navigation schemes

What are the different types of information architecture?

There are many types of information architecture, but we will focus on two: hierarchical and non-hierarchical.

Hierarchical information architecture is a system where the items are organized into levels or categories. This type of IA usually has a lot of detail and is often used for websites with many pages. Non-hierarchical IA, on the other hand, doesn’t have any hierarchy, so it’s not as detailed as its counterpart. This type of IA is often used for apps or products with only one page.

Who is IA in the digital product team?

IA is not a designer. IA is a researcher.

IA is not a programmer. IA is an analyst.

IA does not have the skills to do any of these things.

Instead, they are the person who understands the user and how they behave. They know how people use the product and what their goals are with it. They know where people get stuck and what they find confusing or frustrating. They know if something will be intuitive to use or if it needs more work. The job of an IA is to make sense of all this information and then turn it into actionable insights for product managers, designers, programmers, marketers, etc., so that they can improve their products accordingly.

Information architecture and ux writing

Content design is developing the structure and layout of a website, blog, or other content. The content design aims to create a practical and engaging user experience.

Information architecture is the way that information is organized on a website or in an app.

Well-thought-out information architecture can make it easier for visitors to find what they’re looking for and help them understand how your site works.

Can a UX writer be an information architect?

UX writers are often confused with information architects. This is because they share many similarities. They design the content and information in a digital product to make it easier for the user to navigate. However, UX writers focus on how the content should be presented, while IA focuses on how the content should be structured.

Some people or UX writing teams can handle both roles at once.
By doing this, we can make the user experience content more coherent, integrated, and principled.
Information architecture will lead to a more usable product if UX writers and content designers are involved.

How does information architecture help UX writers?

This process helps UX writers because it allows them to organize their content logically, making it easier for readers to find what they need.

Relationship between content strategy and IA

Content strategy and IA are two different concepts that sometimes overlap. IA is a design discipline that deals with the structure of the website or application. Conversely, content strategy is a management discipline that deals with what content should be created and how it should be used.

The main difference between these two disciplines is their focus. IA focuses on storing, organizing, and displaying content to make it easy for users to find what they are looking for. Content strategy focuses on how to create content to ensure its relevance and usefulness for users.

Simple IA example

An example of IA is a search engine. The main goal of IA is to ensure that the website’s content is organized so that it will be easy for users to find what they are looking for.

How to Become an Information Architect?

The work of an information architect includes:

  • Analyzing content to identify what it is about
  • Determining how this content should be organized
  • Creating navigation structures that allow users to find their way around quickly and easily
  • Identifying the most critical elements on a website or other digital product
  • Ensuring that any necessary links are included in the design

Originally published at on August 4, 2022.

